The crime of public intoxication is a crime where a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol in a public place where they are so intoxicated they are a danger to themselves and the public. Public Intoxication is also known as 'drunk and disorderly conduct'.
Public Intoxication arrest can include:
If you or someone you care about in Queens is being investigated or has been charged with Public Intoxication you will need an experienced defense lawyer to protect your legal rights. If you are convicted, you face possible incarceration.
If you are charged with Public Intoxication or offense in Queens should always be adequately represented by an experienced defense attorney.
Public Intoxication can carry severe and devastating penalties including jail time, heavy fines and a permanent criminal record.
If you've been accused of Public Intoxication in Queens, you need an attorney who will fight vigorously on your behalf. It is important to retain an experienced criminal defense lawyer to protect your freedom and your personal record and help you win a dismissal or acquittal of charges.
How a Public Intoxication Defense Attorney can help you:
If you or a family member has been recently arrested in Queens you need to talk to a Criminal Defense lawyer as soon as possible. The foremost priority is usually getting a lawyer to help arrange release and provide some information about what's ahead. Use our easy contact form and a lawyer will contact you within 24 hours.